Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

The Future of the Internet III


About the Pew Internet & American Life Project : The Pew Internet Project is an initiative of the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America and the world. Pew Internet explores the impact of the Internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care, and civic/political life.  The Project is nonpartisan and takes no position on policy issues. Support for the project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts. The Project’s Web site URL is:

Princeton Survey Research Associates International: PSRAI conducted the survey that is covered in this report. It is an independent research company specializing in social and policy work.  The firm designs, conducts and analyzes surveys worldwide. Its expertise also includes qualitative research and content analysis.  With offices in Princeton, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., PSRAI serves the needs of clients around the nation and the world.  The firm can be reached at 911 Commons Way, Princeton, N.J. 08540, by telephone at 609-924-9204, by fax at 609-924-7499, or by email at

The Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University’s School of Communications:   The Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University holds a mirror to humanity’s use of communications technologies, informs policy development, exposes potential futures, and provides a historic record. It has teamed with the Pew Internet Project to complete a number of research studies, including the building of Imagining the Internet (a foresight and history Web site), a survey of stakeholders at the UN-administrated Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro in 2007, and an ethnographic study of a small town, “One Neighborhood, One Week on the Internet,” all under the direction of Janna Quitney Anderson. For contact regarding Imagining the Internet, send e-mail to The university site is:

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