Among Black adults, those with higher incomes are most likely to say they are happy
Black adults in upper-income families are about twice as likely as those in lower-income families to say they are extremely or very happy.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Black adults in upper-income families are about twice as likely as those in lower-income families to say they are extremely or very happy.
Nearly a month into the new year, most people who made New Year’s resolutions have stuck with them, although 13% say they have not kept any of them.
Although especially common in California and Texas, Mexican restaurants are found in a large majority of counties in the U.S.
Here are 10 key facts about Americans’ behaviors and attitudes when it comes to drinking alcohol and how these have changed over time.
43% of U.S. adults say they have ever personally worked in a job where they received tips. Roughly six-in-ten (57%) have not had this experience.
72% of U.S. adults say tipping is expected in more places today than it was five years ago. But even as Americans say they’re being asked to tip more often, only about a third say it’s extremely or very easy to know whether (34%) or how much (33%) to tip for various services.
69% of adults say they got any of their tattoos to honor or remember someone or something. 47% say they got a tattoo to make a statement about what they believe.
Most Americans (62%) own a pet, including 35% who have more than one. And nearly all U.S. pet owners (97%) say their pets are part of their family.
In the U.S., 12% of all restaurants serve Asian food; that share is slightly higher than the 7% of the U.S. population that is Asian American.
One-in-three U.S. adults ages 18 to 34 live in their parents’ home, according to U.S. Census Bureau data from 2021.