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Fact Sheets: State of the News Media

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    Digital News Fact Sheet

    In the U.S., roughly nine-in-ten adults (93%) get at least some news online (either via mobile or desktop), and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets.

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    Local TV News Fact Sheet

    Local TV companies generated more revenue in 2022 than in 2021, consistent with a cyclical pattern in which advertising revenue rises in election years and falls in non-election years.

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    Cable News Fact Sheet

    In 2022, both prime-time and daytime cable news audiences increased for Fox News but decreased for CNN, MSNBC and Newsmax.

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    Network News Fact Sheet

    Financially, advertiser expenditures for the news programs of the three major networks have declined substantially since 2020.

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    Hispanic and Black News Media Fact Sheet

    News media made by and for Black and Hispanic Americans – the two largest racial and ethnic minority groups in the U.S. – have been a consistent part of the country’s news landscape. Explore statistics on the Hispanic- and Black-oriented news industry.

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    Audio and Podcasting Fact Sheet

    The audio news sector in the U.S. is split by modes of delivery: traditional terrestrial (AM/FM) radio and digital formats such as online radio and podcasting.