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Search results for: “topics barack obamas 2012”

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    Biggest Week Yet for Occupy Wall Street Coverage

    Tensions drove Occupy Wall Street coverage to its biggest week so far and an interview with Jerry Sandusky ushered in a second week of major coverage of Penn State’s sexual abuse scandal.

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    Two Explosive Scandals Top the News

    With additional women coming forward with sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, the 2012 presidential race was the No. 1 story for the second week in a row.

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    A Pivotal Presidential Speech Drives the News

    In a crowded news week, the economy was the top story, followed by an intensifying 2012 presidential race. The week ended with news of a new terror warning and sober reflection on the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

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    Christie Speculation Gives Campaign Top Billing

    The presidential campaign was the top story last week for the first time since mid-June, largely due to the buzz over a potential Chris Christie entrance into the GOP race. The economy followed close behind, with the emphasis on jobs, the banking industry and public unrest. And the trial of Michael Jackson’s doctor ranked among the top stories.

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    Occupy Wall Street Drives Economic Coverage

    After several weeks of attracting modest attention, the protests in New York and beyond emerged as a major newsmaker last week. Meanwhile, 2012 campaign coverage reached its high point to date, a high-profile murder case was resolved, and a world infatuated with Apple technology mourned the death of the man behind it all.

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    Irene’s Aftermath Tops the News

    Even after it had passed, the hurricane that slammed the East Coast continued to be the top news story across the U.S. last week as damage mounted. A scheduling skirmish over a presidential speech made the economy the No. 2 story while the hunt for a deposed dictator was a smaller story than his fleeing the capital.

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    Barack Obama and Rick Perry Drive the Week’s News

    The economy remained the No. 1 story for the ninth consecutive week while the 2012 presidential race continued its recent spike in coverage last week. And dramatic developments regarding Syria and Libya drove Mideast coverage to its highest level in nearly three months.

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    Economy Coverage Down But Still Top Story

    Economic coverage once again dominated the news last week, and this time the focus was on the volatility of the stock market. And with Iowa in the spotlight, the 2012 presidential election re-emerged in the media narrative after several weeks of being buried by bad economic news.