This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Find related reports online at
Primary researchers
Monica Anderson, Director, Internet and Technology Research
Michelle Faverio, Research Analyst
Jeffrey Gottfried, Associate Director, Research
Research team
Emily A. Vogels, Research Associate
Colleen McClain, Research Associate
Risa Gelles-Watnick, Research Analyst
Olivia Sidoti, Research Assistant
Lee Rainie, Former Director, Internet and Technology Research
Eugenie Park, Former Research Intern
Editorial and graphic design
Kaitlyn Radde, Associate Information Graphics Designer
Anna Jackson, Editorial Assistant
Communications and web publishing
Haley Nolan, Communications Manager
Sara Atske, Digital Producer
In addition, the project benefited greatly from the guidance of Pew Research Center’s methodology team: Courtney Kennedy, Ashley Amaya, Andrew Mercer, Dorene Asare-Marfo, Anna Brown, Arnold Lau and Dana Popky. This project also benefited from feedback by the following Pew Research Center staff: Drew DeSilver, Juliana Horowitz, Besheer Mohamed and John Wade. The Center gained invaluable advice in developing the questionnaire from Dmitri Williams, Professor at University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.