Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Science and Scientists Held in High Esteem Across Global Publics


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This report is made possible by The Pew Charitable Trusts. It is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Find related reports online at

Primary research team

Cary Funk, Director, Science and Society Research Alec Tyson, Associate Director, Science and Society Research Brian Kennedy, Senior Researcher Courtney Johnson, Research Associate Janell Fetterolf, Research Associate Cary Lynne Thigpen, Research Assistant         Alison Spencer, Research Assistant

International methods research team

Patrick Moynihan, Associate Director, International Research Methods Martha McRoy, Research Methodologist Stacy Pancratz, Research Methodologist Alexandra Castillo, Research Methodologist

Editorial and graphic design

David Kent, Copy Editor Margaret Porteus, Information Graphics Designer Peter Bell, Design Director

Communications and web publishing

Haley Nolan, Communications Associate Kelsey Beveridge, Communications Associate Anna Schiller, Senior Communications Manager Reem Nadeem, Associate Digital Producer

We are especially grateful for guidance on the development and analysis reported here from Hee-Je Bak, professor of sociology and director of the center for science, technology and society at Kyung Hee University; H.O. Dijstelbloem, professor of philosophy at University of Amsterdam and Researcher and Project Leader at the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR); Mitsunobu Kano, professor of pharmaceutical sciences at Okayama University; Tetsuro Kobayashi, associate professor of media and communications, City University of Hong Kong; Günter Stock, professor of physiology, executive chair of the Einstein Foundation Berlin, Giulio Di Toro, professor of structural geology at University of Padua; Ajay Verghese, assistant professor of political science at Middlebury College.

While the analysis for this report was guided by our consultations with these advisers, Pew Research Center is solely responsible for the interpretation and reporting of the data.

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