Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator
About half of U.S. adults (52%) lived in middle-income households in 2022, according to our new analysis of government data.
About half of U.S. adults (52%) lived in middle-income households in 2022, according to our new analysis of government data.
Americans have mixed views on the importance of having a degree. 47% say the cost is worth it only if someone doesn’t have to take out loans.
As the U.S. economy began recovering from coronavirus-related shortages and shutdowns, consumer prices surged faster than they had in more than four decades.
Joe Biden’s political standing is at the lowest point of his presidency. Yet Biden is hardly the only focal point of the public’s political discontent: Americans express unfavorable views of both major parties and a range of leading Republican and Democratic political figures, including Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump.
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