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Search results for: “restaurant”

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    Biggest Week Yet for Occupy Wall Street Coverage

    Tensions drove Occupy Wall Street coverage to its biggest week so far and an interview with Jerry Sandusky ushered in a second week of major coverage of Penn State’s sexual abuse scandal.

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    Christie Speculation Gives Campaign Top Billing

    The presidential campaign was the top story last week for the first time since mid-June, largely due to the buzz over a potential Chris Christie entrance into the GOP race. The economy followed close behind, with the emphasis on jobs, the banking industry and public unrest. And the trial of Michael Jackson’s doctor ranked among the top stories.

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    Bin Laden Coverage Still Leads but the Narrative Changes

    The fallout from the killing of Osama bin Laden continued to generate the most attention of any story in the mainstream media last week, though coverage fell off substantially. On cable news, where politics often dictates news agenda, the level of attention varied widely: CNN devoted the most attention to the story and Fox gave it the least.

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    Elections, Katrina and Economy Split the News Agenda

    With the spate of primary races testing the power of the Tea Party movement, the mid-term elections topped the news, but a Katrina anniversary and the faltering economy were close behind. Meanwhile, the New York mosque controversy quieted but didn’t vanish last week.

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    Bloggers Ponder the Meaning of (Artificial) Life

    News that scientists had created the first-ever living cell controlled by synthetic DNA fascinated the blogosphere last week as the discussion focused on the ethics and implications of the achievement. On Twitter, a marketing campaign gone awry received the most attention. And on YouTube, a forceful political ad drew almost a million views.

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    Mine Accident Captivates Media

    A tragic mine explosion in West Virginia led the news last week, with about twice the amount of coverage given to the next biggest story: the still-ailing U.S. economy.

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    Global Warming Debate Rages on in Social Media

    Last week, bloggers gave more attention to the subject of global warming than at any time this year. And while skeptics continued to focus on “Climate-gate,” defenders were more vocal than in previous weeks. On Twitter, the growing Tiger Woods scandal earned the most attention. And on YouTube, a feisty exchange between the White House press secretary and a reporter was the most viewed news video.

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    Pig Flu and Politics Dominate the Blogosphere

    Bloggers last week debated whether the worldwide swine flu outbreak was a serious public health menace or a case of excessive media hype. And Arlen Specter’s change of parties stirred a partisan debate over the state of the GOP.