Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

U.S. Resettles Fewer Refugees, Even as Global Number of Displaced People Grows

Appendix D: Detailed religious affiliation by broader religious affiliation

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Armenian Christian Baptist Catholic Chaldean Christian Coptic Evangelical Christian Greek Orthodox Jehovah Witness Lutheran Mennonite Methodist Old Believer Orthodox Oriental Orthodoxy Pentecostalist Protestant Russian Orthodox Seventh Day Adventist Ukranian Orthodox Ukrainian autocephalous orthodox Ukrainian Orthodox Kyivan Patriarchate Uniate


Ahmadiyya Moslem Moslem Ismaici Moslem Shiite Moslem Sunni


Other Religions
Ancestral Worship Animist Bahá’í Bahai Iranian Buddhist Cao Dai Druze Hare Krishna Hòa Hάo Hindu Jewish Kaaka’I Kirat Other Religion Sabeans-Mandean Yazidi Zoroastrain


Atheist No religion
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