This report presents the trends in the living arrangements, household formation and salient labor market outcomes of 18- to 34-year-olds since 2007. The labor market recovery has generally been more robust for better-educated young adults, and the report provides trends broken down by education. The analysis is based on the Current Population Survey. This survey is explicitly designed to measure labor force outcomes. It also is one of the major government surveys on household formation and living arrangements. Conducted monthly, it provides the most up-to-date information, as well as a variety of housing and labor market indicators.
The report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Richard Fry, senior economist, analyzed the data and wrote the report. Kim Parker, director of social trends research, and Claudia Deane, vice president of research, provided editorial guidance. Michael Keegan and Peter Bell provided additional graphic support. Number-checking was done by Eileen Patten, research analyst. The report was copy edited by Molly Rohal. Michael Suh provided Web support. Find related reports online at