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Search results for: “abortion”

  • report

    Romney & Obama Eye November

    The Project for Excellence in Journalism did not publish a news index report this week. However, the data is available.

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    On State of the Union Week, It’s All About Obama

    Coverage of the President’s prime-time speech and assessments of his stewardship in office dominated the news agenda last week. Meanwhile, news about the economy, events in Haiti and trouble for Toyota filled out the roster of top stories. And attention to one of the week’s top newsmakers varied dramatically on cable news.

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    The Invisible Primary – Invisible No Longer

    How have the news media covered the early months of the 2008 presidential election? Which candidate enjoyed the most exposure, which the best, and which the worst? With the race starting so early, did the press leap to horse race coverage from the start? A study by PEJ and Harvard’s Shorenstein Center has answers.