Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

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The State of the News Media 2014 is the eleventh edition of an annual report by the Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project examining the landscape of American journalism. This year’s study includes special reports about the revenue picture for news, the growth in digital reporting, the role of acquisitions and content sharing in local news and developments around digital video.

In addition, it provides the latest audience, economic, news investment and ownership trends for key sectors of news media, including a new, searchable Media & News Indicators database. It includes a slideshow about social media and news, and  an infographic about the Hispanic news landscape.

The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. Its Journalism Project seeks to assess the state of news and information in a changing society. The center conducts public opinion polling, algorithmic analysis, demographic studies, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research does not take positions on any of the issues it covers or on policy debates.

Many individuals contributed to this report. Director of Journalism Research Amy Mitchell oversaw the effort, edited the chapters and wrote the overview and key indicators.  Pew Research analysts and collaborators conducted data aggregation and also served as primary writers for specific chapters:

  1. The Revenue Picture for American Journalism and How it is Changing– Jesse Holcomb, Senior Researcher
  2. News Video on the Web: A Growing, if Uncertain, Part of News– Kenneth Olmstead, Research Associate Jesse Holcomb, Senior Researcher  and Nancy Vogt, Researcher
  3. The Growth in Digital Reporting: What it Means for Journalism and News Consumers– Mark Jurkowitz, Associate Director
  4. Acquisitions and Content Sharing Shape Local TV News in 2013– Deborah Potter, President and Executive Director of NewsLab; Katerina Eva Matsa, Research Analyst
  5. Social Media and News Slideshow– Katerina Eva Matsa, Research Analyst
  6. Timeline of Hispanic News Outlets– Emily Guskin, Research Analyst and Monica Anderson, Researcher

Research Associate Jeffrey Gottfried and Research Assistant Maeve Duggan managed and analyzed the survey data.  Katerina Eva Matsa served as the project manager. Pew Research President Alan Murray helped guide the project, and Director of Research Practices Claudia Deane and Director of Research Michael Dimock provided thoughtful feedback.  Many Pew Research staffers provided communications, digital, editorial and graphics counsel and support including: Research Associate Jan Boyles; Editorial Web Producer Andrea Caumont; Administrative Manager Cheryl Elzey; Knowledge Management Specialist Shawn Fielding;  and Senior Digital Editor Sara Goo; Web Developer Russell Heimlich; Graphics Director Michael Keegan; Communications Director Vidya Krishnamurthy; Communications Manager Dana Page; Senior Researcher Paul Hitlin, Director of Digital Strategy Michael Piccorossi; Art Director Diana Yoo, Informational Graphic Designer Jessica Schillinger;  Web Production Coordinator Michael Suh; and Temporary Web Production Assistant Ben Wormald. Irv Molotsky and Molly Rohal copy edited report content.

We also want to thank several individuals who offered valuable feedback to various aspects of the report: Derek Baine, Joshua Benton, Rick Edmonds, Mark Fuerst, Ish Harshawat, Harry Jessell, Gabriel Kahn, Bob Papper, Deborah Potter, Paul Verna, Stacey Woelfel, Danilo Yanich, Fred Young. Their thoughtful insights and suggestions greatly improved the chapters.

Finally, the project could not have been completed without the extraordinary support, both financially and personally, of the Pew Charitable Trusts, particularly Rebecca Rimel, whose idea this report was in the first place.

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