On behalf of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, the authors would like to acknowledge the contributions to this study by the following people:
Thanks to Alex Rankin Macgill for her research, writing and chart and table producing skills; thanks also to danah boyd, Fred Stutzman and Eszter Hargittai for their assistance with the survey design and feedback on parts of the analysis.
Harris Interactive: Thanks to our focus group partners, the Harris Interactive Youth and Education Research Practice. Special thanks to our project leader, Dana Markow and focus group moderator Jennifer Weeks. http://www.harrisinteractives.com/
Princeton Survey Research Associates International: Thanks also to our survey partners at Princeton Survey Research Associates International, in particular Kristen Purcell and Jennifer Su. http://www.psrai.com/
About the Pew Internet & American Life Project: The Pew Internet Project is a nonprofit, non-partisan initiative of the Pew Research Center that explores the impact of the Internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care, and civic/political life. Support for the project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts. More information available at: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet