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    Local TV News Fact Sheet

    Local TV companies generated more revenue in 2022 than in 2021, consistent with a cyclical pattern in which advertising revenue rises in election years and falls in non-election years.

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    Cable News Fact Sheet

    In 2022, both prime-time and daytime cable news audiences increased for Fox News but decreased for CNN, MSNBC and Newsmax.

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    Network News Fact Sheet

    Financially, advertiser expenditures for the news programs of the three major networks have declined substantially since 2020.

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    Hispanic and Black News Media Fact Sheet

    News media made by and for Black and Hispanic Americans – the two largest racial and ethnic minority groups in the U.S. – have been a consistent part of the country’s news landscape. Explore statistics on the Hispanic- and Black-oriented news industry.


Signature Reports

A collage of podcast-related images

Most Top-Ranked Podcasts Bring On Guests

Thousands of guests appeared on the top-ranked podcasts in 2022, but a relatively small number accounted for a majority of appearances. 76% of top-ranked podcasts brought on at least one guest in 2022, and 27% almost always or regularly featured guests.

A collage of three Black Americans consuming news

Black Americans’ Experiences With News

Black Americans see a range of problems with how Black people are covered in the news. Almost two-thirds of Black adults (63%) say news about Black people is often more negative than news about other racial and ethnic groups. And while few are optimistic that will change in the foreseeable future, many see ways in which that coverage could be improved.