While increased internet adoption and the rise of mobile connectivity have reduced many gaps in technology access over the past decade, for some groups digital disparities still remain
Kathryn will discuss Pew Internet’s data about the current digital divide(s) via Skype at the University of Kansas’s virtual summit, “Telling Stories of Diversity in the Digital Age.”
Lee Rainie will discuss the Project’s latest findings about how people use mobile devices, and how the changing media ecosystem is affecting the way people receive, share, and create information.
Latinos are less likely than whites to access the internet, have a home broadband connection or own a cell phone, according to survey findings from the Pew Hispanic Center.
Food safety, drug safety, and pregnancy information are among eight new topics included in our survey, which finds that 80% of internet users gather health information online.
People living with disability are less likely than other adults in the U.S. to use the internet: 54%, compared with 81%. The first question many people ask when they hear that is, Why? The second is, What can be done? The third is, or should be, W…