Podcasting is when an audio file is enclosed in an RSS feed and in fact, broadcast to users who have signed up to receive the feed. The recipients can then open up the audio file and either listen to it immediately or …
According to a March 2004 survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 28% of Americans – and fully 41% of all Internet users – have within the past month used a laptop that can connect wirelessly to the Internet or a cell phone that lets t…
In our Internet tracking survey in February, 2004 we recorded our highest readings ever on the number of Internet users who are e-shoppers, the number who participate in online auctions, and the number of Americans who use computers. In addition, we …
Computers and the Internet are encroaching on the TV and the landline telephone as important information and communication tools for a growing number of tech-loving Americans, especially those in their twenties.