Thirty states have passed or are considering proposals condemning the 2005 federal law requiring states to adopt uniform security features for driver’s licenses and to verify the identity of all driver’s license applicants — and last week, two states, Montana and Washington, passed laws rejecting the standards and ratcheting up pressure on Congress to repeal them. State lawmakers have railed at the costs and deadlines imposed on states, at federal intrusion into what had been a state responsibility and the specter of a national ID card. Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzersigned legislation on April 17 that bans the state’s Motor Vehicle Division from enforcing the national rules. “Montanans don’t want the federal agents listening to their phone conversations, rifling through their papers, checking on what books they read and monitoring where they go and when. We think they ought to mind their own business,” the governor said in a written statement.Read More
- Short Reads
States Condemn National Standards for Drivers Licenses