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Search results for: “stock own”

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    Elections, Katrina and Economy Split the News Agenda

    With the spate of primary races testing the power of the Tea Party movement, the mid-term elections topped the news, but a Katrina anniversary and the faltering economy were close behind. Meanwhile, the New York mosque controversy quieted but didn’t vanish last week.

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    Oil Leads Again as Stocks, Spies and Politics Contend for Coverage

    The environmental disaster in the Gulf continued to draw media attention last week, though far below the levels it once commanded. Coverage of the politics surrounding the mid-term elections edged out a mixed bag of economic news for the No. 2 slot. And an NBA superstar proved to be one of the week’s biggest newsmakers.

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    Mosque Controversy, Iraq War Dominate the News

    A presidential mention, and intense interest from talk show hosts, pushed a proposed Islamic center in New York City to the top of the news agenda last week. Meanwhile, a milestone in the drawdown of troops in Iraq attracted more media coverage than the war has received in more than a year.

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    Falling Stocks and Rising Rush Fuel the News

    For the fourth week in a row, a different component of the faltering economy drove coverage of a crisis now overshadowing every other news event. And the White House and a radio host locked horns in what may actually be a symbiotic relationship.

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    Media Focus on Economic Villains: Bonuses, Bernie and Blather

    The financial crisis dominated the news for the seventh week in a row as earmarks, bailouts, and talk of a second stimulus package helped fuel the narrative. And with Bernard Madoff heading to jail, greed and excess were recurring themes in the news.

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    One Story Dominates: AIG in the Crosshairs

    Last week, the economic meltdown generated its highest weekly level of coverage since the crisis exploded last fall. And the majority of media attention was focused on a three-letter acronym that became a four-letter word.

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    War in Gaza Casts Shadow over Transition

    The economic crisis showed few signs of easing, a scandal-plagued governor tried to anoint a Senator, and the incoming President moved to Washington. But last week, the guns of the Middle East dominated the news agenda.

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    A Plumber (Sort of) Gets His 15 Minutes

    The final presidential debate was the top campaign storyline last week. And both candidates rolled out major economic packages. But perhaps the most memorable event was the media descending on an unlikely new voice of the working class.

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    Veep Debate, Palin Rule Campaign News

    Coverage of the nation’s financial crisis reached new heights last week as Congress struggled to produce a bailout package. But when it came to the presidential campaign narrative, the match-up in Missouri proved more interesting to the media.