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Search results for: “sports”

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    For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun

    Gun owners in the United States continue to cite protection far more than other factors, including hunting and sport shooting, as a major reason they own a gun. About half of Americans who don’t own a gun say they could never see themselves owning one (52%) while nearly as many could imagine themselves as gun owners in the future (47%).

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    Political Typology Detailed Tables

    Figures read down within each category. Don’t know responses not shown. For full question wording, see toplines. Read more in the full report: Beyond Red and Blue: 2017 Political Typology Demographics Views of the nation and institutions Political attitudes Trump and other political figures Issues and values Demographics Solid Liberals Opportunity Democrats Disaffected Democrats Devout and Diverse New […]

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    Mixed Reactions to Obama’s Gun Proposals

    Overview With the public paying close attention to the national debate over gun control, Barack Obama’s gun proposals receive a mixed rating from the public. A 39% plurality say Obama’s proposals are about right while another 13% say they do not go far enough. About three-in-ten (31%) say the president’s proposals go too far; 17% […]

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    Election, Tragedies Dominate Top Stories of 2012

    The public’s news interests were very much focused on domestic developments this year, with the election outcome, last week’s horrific school shooting and Hurricane Sandy leading the list of the top stories of 2012. With the exception of the attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya in September, which became a bitterly debated campaign issue, […]

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    Irene Aftermath Top Story for Public, Media

    Overview The aftermath of Hurricane Irene was the top story for the public and the media last week, as flooding worsened in many East Coast states well after the storm winds had died down. More than a third of the public (36%) say that the impact of the hurricane was the news they followed most […]

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    Debt Limit Fight Tops News Interest, Coverage

    Overview The debate over raising the federal debt limit proved to be the public’s – and the media’s – top news story last week as the federal government neared a possible default and high level deficit-reduction talks produced no agreement. About three-in-ten (31%) say they followed the discussions about how to address the federal deficit […]

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    Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism

    As the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, a comprehensive public opinion survey finds no indication of increased alienation or anger among Muslim Americans in response to concerns about home-grown Islamic terrorists, controversies about the building of mosques and other pressures that have been brought to bear on this high-profile minority group in recent years.