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Search results for: “social media”

  • report

    Bloggers Unite!

    As President Bush declares one of his main goals for his second term to be to reform Social Security, a number of bloggers have united in opposition and are using the internet as a tool for political organization and action.

  • report

    How Americans Use Instant Messaging

    American adult use of instant messaging continues to grow in intensity, particularly among younger users who appreciate and embrace the tools of expression embedded within IM programs.

  • report

    Cities Online: Urban Development and the Internet

    This report examines how institutions in five cities (Austin, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; Nashville, Tennessee; Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C.) are adapting to the Internet as an economic development and community-building tool. The experiences in these communities suggests that the Internet is best used to encourage bottom-up initiatives, encourage and nurture catalytic individuals in communities, encourage public funding for technology programs, encourage “bridging” among groups, and encourage experimentation.