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Search results for: “mental health”

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    The Tucson Story Fades, but Still Leads

    Attention to the health of both Gabrielle Giffords and civic discourse helped fuel continuing coverage of the Tucson shooting spree last week. Some White House summitry, hard times for state treasuries and another round in the legislative battle over health care reform also generated significant coverage.

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    Gay Rights Tops the Bloggers’ News Agenda

    For the second time in a month, the issue of gay rights drew intense interest from the blogosphere. The Chilean earthquake finished a close second while news about Google was the lead topic on Twitter. And on YouTube, four of the five top videos were about an animal trainer drowned by a killer whale at SeaWorld in Orlando.

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    A Rat and an Outburst Overtake the Blogosphere

    The discovery of a giant rat species in Papua New Guinea and the shout of a Congressman during Obama’s health care speech led the blogs last week. Twitter, on the other hand, proved to be ever more self-absorbed. And on YouTube, it was still health care, albeit in a more civil tone.

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    Blogs Chew Over Food and Health while Iran Surges on Twitter

    The conversation in the blogosphere last week focused on two stories that challenged conventional wisdom about healthy food. On Twitter, the protests in Iran dominated at a level not seen since the unrest began in mid-June. And the most-viewed news video featured some on-air cable flirting.

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    Beyond Stimulus, Bloggers Focus on Pupils, Penance and Puppets

    Bloggers and the traditional media both focused heavily on the $790 billion economic stimulus package last week. But the new media news agenda also included such subjects as cheap eyewear, Catholic indulgences, and the Muppets.

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    The Talk Hosts Get Personal

    Three of the top-10 topics on the cable and radio talk shows last week directly involved the hosts themselves. They included an argument over the SCHIP health care program, the debate over U.S. policy in Iraq, and the strange case of Randi Rhodes.

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    Talk Shows Consumed by Virginia Tech Tragedy

    It’s probably no surprise that the college campus massacre proved to be the biggest talk show topic of the year. But while there were plenty of subplots to talk about, radio and cable hosts managed to seize on some of “hot button” issues to emerge from the worst shooting spree in the nation’s history.