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Search results for: “liberalism”

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    More Approve Than Disapprove of Iran Talks, But Most Think Iranians Are ‘Not Serious’

    Survey Report Ahead of a March 31 deadline for nuclear talks with Iran, more Americans approve (49%) than disapprove (40%) of the United States negotiating directly with Iran over its nuclear program. But the public remains skeptical of whether Iranian leaders are serious about addressing international concerns over their nuclear enrichment program. If a nuclear […]

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    Growing Support for Campaign Against ISIS – and Possible Use of U.S. Ground Troops

    Survey Report The public has grown more supportive of the U.S. fight against ISIS, as about twice as many approve (63%) as disapprove (30%) of the military campaign against the Islamic militant group in Iraq and Syria. Last October, 57% approved and 33% disapproved. The possibility of sending U.S. ground troops to the region is […]

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    More View Netanyahu Favorably Than Unfavorably; Many Unaware of Israeli Leader

    Survey Report The public has a more positive than negative view of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of his address to a joint session of Congress next week. About four-in-ten (38%) have a favorable opinion of the Israeli leader, compared with 27% who hold an unfavorable view. Roughly a third (35%) express no opinion […]

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    Public Continues to Back U.S. Drone Attacks

    Survey Report The public continues to support U.S. drone strikes targeting extremists in Pakistan and elsewhere, despite ongoing concerns that drone attacks endanger lives of innocent civilians. The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted May 12-18 among 2,002 adults, finds that 58% approve of the U.S. conducting missile strikes from drones to target […]

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    Most Support Stronger U.S. Ties With Cuba

    Survey Report Fully 63% of Americans approve of the Obama administration’s decision last month to re-establish diplomatic ties with Cuba after more than 50 years. And there is equally broad support for going further and ending the decades-long U.S. trade embargo against Cuba (66% favor this). Yet there is broad public skepticism that a thaw […]

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    Increased Public Support for the U.S. Arming Ukraine

    Survey Report As fighting continues in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russian-backed rebels, the public has become more supportive of sending arms to the Ukrainian government and increasing sanctions on Russia. More still oppose (53%) than favor (41%) the U.S. sending arms and military supplies to the Ukrainian government, but support for arming Ukraine […]

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    Support for U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq; Concern About Getting Too Involved

    As fighting rages in Iraq, most Americans (54%) say they approve of U.S. airstrikes against Islamic militants there, while 31% disapprove. But while the public backs airstrikes, there is widespread concern about the U.S. becoming too involved in Iraq. Overall, 51% say their greater concern about military action is that the U.S. will go too […]

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    Far More Continue to View Russia as a ‘Serious Problem’ Than as an ‘Adversary’

    Survey Report Most Americans still are not inclined to view Russia as an adversary, though the share saying Russia represents a serious problem has continued to increase, according to a new survey from the Pew Research Center. Currently, 26% of the public says that Russia is an adversary, while 49% think it is a serious […]