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Search results for: “christmas “

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    A Failed Terror Attack Tops a Grim Week of News

    The media scrambled last week as authorities arrested a suspect in the Times Square terror case, the Gulf oil spill grew more ominous, Wall Street went briefly into free fall and floods took a deadly toll in Tennessee. All of which left little room for coverage of a crucial overseas election.

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    Bloggers Track the Nuances of the Health Care Debate

    During a Christmas week when the Senate passed its version of health care reform, social media devoted more attention to the subject than it had at any time this year. Bloggers also focused on an international grassroots campaign. On Twitter, a Blackberry outage led the way, while on YouTube, questions about the attack on the Italian Prime Minister drew significant attention.

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    From Detroit to Yemen, Terror Tops the News Agenda

    With the White House producing a post-mortem on what went wrong, the Christmas bombing plot led the news agenda last week. And it was joined by a number of related terrorism topics in the news, harkening back to the days of nervous post 9/11 headlines.

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    The Near-Miss Plane Plot Leads Newspaper Headlines

    This week’s News Coverage Index examines the agenda in one media sector—daily newspapers. And it reveals that the unanswered questions about the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner were still dominating coverage a week after the event occurred. Meanwhile, the state of the economy was the week’s second-biggest topic.

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    Social and Traditional Media Agree: Botched Terror Attack Is Big News

    The failed terror attack on NWA Flight 253 led the news on blogs, Twitter and in the mainstream press last week. The online community debated everything from who to blame for the close call to the impact on airline travel. On YouTube, a spectator’s view of a Christmas Eve attack on Pope Benedict XVI generated the most views.

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    On Blogs, Hot Dogs Become the Health Care Debate

    Bloggers weren’t very interested in the politics of the big Washington bi-partisan health care summit last week. But they engaged in a spirited debate over a health care warning issued by some pediatricians. On Twitter, several different Web-focused subjects gained the most attention. And Tiger Woods’ media mea culpa drew more than half a million views on YouTube.

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    Social Media Leads with Sex and Love

    A story about a British sex study was the No. 1 news topic in the blogosphere last week while news of an elitist dating site led on Twitter. On YouTube, a Brazilian news anchor got himself into trouble for making insulting comments he thought were private.

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    With Budget as Backdrop, Economy Leads the News

    For the second week in a row, the actions of President Obama fueled substantial coverage of the state of the U.S. economy. Toyota’s mounting problems and a controversial kidnapping case in Haiti also helped propel those subjects onto the roster of top stories.

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    State of the iPad Outpaces State of the Union

    Anticipation and reaction to Apple’s new iPad was the hottest topic on Twitter last week. Blogs, though, were more caught up with a British program made up entirely of footage shot by chimpanzees. In both arenas, the President’s State of the Union Address drew little reflection.