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Dispatches and Data from China

Senior Research Fellow Deborah Fallows has been living in China for the past two years, sending us whimsical dispatches as well as in-depth reports about the impact of the internet on social life.

When we heard about the recent earthquake in China, we immediately thought of Deb and hoped she was safe. Her first post-quake dispatch was not only reassuring, but provided fresh insights to the tragedy. Her second dispatch was followed by an email to us linking to Roland Soong’s blog containing hundreds of photos of the earthquake’s aftermath. As she wrote, “Words fail me.”

Today, Deb reminded me that she visited the village of Wolong last August, which was about 10 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake, and a panda preserve.

As Deb continues to chronicle the situation, I thought I would take this opportunity to link to her past work, both her full-length reports…

Most Chinese Say They Approve of Government Internet Control (March 26, 2008)

China’s Online Population Explosion (July 12, 2007)

…and her recent dispatches:

China’s Earthquake on TV and on the Internet: Part II

China’s Earthquake on TV and on the Internet: Part I

Team China

Internet Mooncake Mania

Screens Along the Silk Road

Internet Addiction in China

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