Same-Sex Marriage Around the World
Sort through the more than 30 jurisdictions that have enacted laws allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.
Sort through the more than 30 jurisdictions that have enacted laws allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.
As wired Americans increasingly go online for political news and commentary, we find that the internet is contributing to a wider awareness of political views during this year’s campaign season.
Pew Research Center Pollwatch
Summary of Findings Gay marriage has surpassed other major social issues like abortion and gun control in its influence on voters. Four-in-ten voters say they would not vote for a candidate who disagrees with them on gay marriage, even if they agree with the candidate on most other issues. By comparison, 34% say they would […]
Introduction and Summary Opposition to gay marriage has increased since the summer and a narrow majority of Americans also oppose allowing gays and lesbians to enter legal agreements that fall short of marriage. Moreover, despite the overall rise in tolerance toward gays since the 1980s, many Americans remain highly critical of homosexuals and religious […]
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