A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
Politics Answers on affirmative action depend on how question is posed, The Upshot/NYT Polls show tight Senate races in four southern states, topline, New York Times/KFF Black voters could decide who controls the Senate in 2015, Washington Post Party loyalty begins at age 18, FiveThirtyEight 74% of Colorado voters support metal detectors, 50% support arming teachers, Quinnipiac Most New Jerseyans still think state not back to normal post-Sandy, Rutgers-Eagleton
Economy Interactive: One-bedroom housing affordability by county, Washington Post How long it takes each state’s residents to earn enough to pay all taxes, WashPost How did Canada’s middle class get so rich? Look to housing, The Atlantic Retirement remains Americans’ top financial worry, Gallup Despite some improvement, still more STEM jobs than students, U.S. News
Health & Society Estimates of U.S. population by age and sex, from April 2010 to July 2013, Census Bureau The shrinking of the Baby Boom generation, Demo Memo Provo and Boulder residents report highest daily learning, Gallup 55% increase in master’s degrees between 2002 and 2012, NCES College enrollment rates converging for whites, blacks, Hispanics, WSJ American Indian/Alaska Native death rates nearly 50% higher than whites, CDC Nearly seven-in-ten say health plans should cover birth control, Los Angeles Times Among prisoners in 30 states, 67.8% were rearrested within 3 years of release, BJS Children in low-income areas often change schools and move homes, Urban Institute
International The spread of democracy across the world, 1842-2012, Vox Seven-in-ten Africans prefer democracy, but political elites fail to deliver, Afrobarometer One-in-five African adults work on farms, Gallup Diabetes is a growing and lethal problem, especially among Arabs, The Economist Over half of U.S. $8.7 billion in health aid goes to HIV funding, KFF/JAMA
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