A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
Politics At 49%, Obamacare support hits a new high, topline, ABC News/Washington Post Politics are biggest factor in views of healthcare law, Gallup DNC has racked up large debt and lags RNC in fundraising, The Wall Street Journal A gaffe can matter when it motivates the base, FiveThirtyEight
Economy Investors young and old are risk-averse when it comes to retirement savings, Gallup Interactive: State employment changes by industry, Bureau of Labor Statistics Retail sales, cashiers are occupations with largest employment, BLS Employment continued its road to recovery in 2013, BLS Funding gap continues to grow in state pension plans, The Pew Charitable Trusts Median household income rose 1.2% in February, Sentier Research
Health & Society Missouri is no longer the nation’s meth-bust capital, Washington Post Chart: Jobs with the highest obesity rates, The Atlantic Chart: How married couples reported meeting each other, FiveThirtyEight Interactive: Motorcycle deaths and helmet laws, New York Times ‘Popular’ teens are at higher risk for gossip, harassment, physical abuse, USA TODAY A population slowdown for small town America, Census via Brookings Cisco predicts U.S. will maintain lead in mobile broadband usage, Brookings Statistical portrait of Native Americans, Urban Institute Differences among men and women in financial knowledge, Urban Institute
International UK health disparities by wealth, race and geography, Office for National Statistics Euro area unemployment at 11.9%, Eurostat Singapore, S. Korea pupils scored best on creative problem-solving tests, OECD OECD annual inflation slows to 1.4%, OECD 67% of people who fly out of America arrive at a better airport, The Economist
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