Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Data Feed: Millennials’ college payoff, Marcellus Shale job boom, global food waste

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Economy For Millennials, higher education really pays off, Pew Research Center’s Fact Tank Real GDP increased at an annual rate of 2.4% in Q4 2013 in new estimate, BEA Federal budget deficit falls to smallest level since 2008, New York Times Realty check: Interactive guide to America’s housing market, The Economist Jobless rates down in 43 states in 2013, Bureau of Labor Statistics Effects of Marcellus Shale gas boom on employment, wages in Pa., BLS The stock-picking skills of SEC employees, U. Va. via WaPost Attracting customers and new business still top challenge in the U.S., Gallup U.S.-NAFTA trade via pipeline up 6.4% from previous year, Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Politics Americans still doubt Mideast peace is in the cards, Gallup

Health & Society The young noncitizen population in the U.S., Census Bureau Mapping America’s lightning-caused misery, The Atlantic Cities Mapping New York’s traffic crashes, The Atlantic Cities Science vs. journalism, in one chart, The Washington Post

International Venezuelans saw political instability before protests, Gallup Over 5% of world’s population suffer from disabling hearing loss, WHO What’s the story with food loss and waste? World Bank Euro area unemployment rate stable at 12%; inflation stable at 0.8%, Eurostat Japan’s avg. monthly expenditures per household up 1.1% from last year, Stat Bureau India GDP up 4.7% in Q3 2013 from previous year in estimate, Central Statistics Office

Random Sample Charting the price of pizza in five big cities, NPR

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