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    Political Typology Detailed Tables

    Figures read down within each category. Don’t know responses not shown. For full question wording, see toplines. Read more in the full report: Beyond Red and Blue: 2017 Political Typology Demographics Views of the nation and institutions Political attitudes Trump and other political figures Issues and values Demographics Solid Liberals Opportunity Democrats Disaffected Democrats Devout and Diverse New […]

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    As Election Nears, Voters Divided Over Democracy and ‘Respect’

    As the presidential campaign enters its final days, opinions about American democracy and the candidates’ respect for democratic institutions – as well their respect for women, minorities and other groups in society– have emerged as political flashpoints. Donald Trump is widely seen as having little or no respect for Muslims, women, Hispanics and blacks. Moreover, […]

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    2016 Campaign: Strong Interest, Widespread Dissatisfaction

    As Republicans and Democrats prepare for their party conventions later this month, a new national survey paints a bleak picture of voters’ impressions of the presidential campaign and the choices they face in November.

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    Partisanship and Political Animosity in 2016

    The 2016 campaign is unfolding against a backdrop of intense partisan division and animosity. Partisans’ views of the opposing party are now more negative than at any point in nearly a quarter of a century.

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    Majority Says Any Budget Deal Must Include Planned Parenthood Funding

    Survey Report With the prospect of a government shutdown apparently decreasing, the public by a wide margin says that any congressional budget agreement must maintain funding for Planned Parenthood. The latest national poll by the Pew Research Center, conducted Sept. 22-27 among 1,502 adults, finds that 60% say that any budget deal must maintain funding for […]

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    GOP’s Favorability Rating Takes a Negative Turn

    Survey Report The Republican Party’s image has grown more negative over the first half of this year. Currently, 32% have a favorable impression of the Republican Party, while 60% have an unfavorable view. Favorable views of the GOP have fallen nine percentage points since January. The Democratic Party continues to have mixed ratings (48% favorable, […]

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    Contrasting Partisan Perspectives on Campaign 2016

    Survey Report With four months to go before the first presidential nomination contests, Republican and Democratic voters have sharply different perspectives on their parties’ campaigns – from the qualities they value in candidates to the assessments of their presidential fields and the issues they prioritize. Since March, the share of all registered voters who say […]

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    Democrats Have More Positive Image, But GOP Runs Even or Ahead on Key Issues

    Survey Report This week’s political battles over immigration, funding for the Department of Homeland Security and the Keystone XL pipeline have been waged by opposing parties that possess starkly different strengths and weaknesses. Majorities say the Democratic Party is open and tolerant, cares about the middle class and is not “too extreme.” By contrast, most […]

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    Neither Party Gets Good Marks from Its Base for Handling Illegal Immigration

    Survey Report As the current session of Congress comes to a close without significant action to address illegal immigration, neither Republicans nor Democrats are especially happy with the way their respective parties have dealt with the issue. Just 37% of Republicans and Republican leaners think the GOP is doing a good job representing their views […]