At the Capital Cabal, Pew Internet Director Lee Rainie presented a compendium of recent data that focuses on key behavioral statistics of the Millennial generation. Areas covered include:
- Online behavior and technology adoption trends
- Trends in social media participation and reputation management
- Trends in “gadget” ownership, wireless or otherwise
- Voting behavior data from the November 2010 elections, and insights into future voting trends
- New data on how Millennials use the Internet in civic and social groups

America’s newest generation, the Millennials, is in its coming-of-age phase. Who are they? How are they different? How are they being shaped by their moment in history? And how might they reshape America in the future? The Pew Research Center set out to answer these questions in a yearlong series of original reports that explore the behaviors, values and opinions of today’s teens and twenty-somethings. Learn more: