Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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  • dataset

    Dataset: Religious composition of the world’s migrants, 1990-2020

    This downloadable folder includes files with Pew Research Center’s estimates of the religious breakdown of immigrants to, and emigrants from, countries and regions of the world in Excel and csv formats. To help users better understand how estimates were made when available data was incomplete, this folder also includes a case study of documents and […]

  • dataset

    East Asian Societies Survey Dataset

    This Pew Research Center survey asked 10,390 adults across Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam about religious identify, beliefs and practices. The survey was conducted face-to-face in Vietnam and with phone interviews elsewhere. Interviews were administered from June to September 2023, in seven languages. Recommended citation Evans, Jonathan. 2024. “East Asian Societies Survey […]

  • dataset

    South and Southeast Asia Survey Dataset

    This Pew Research Center survey asked 13,122 adults across six countries in South and Southeast Asia about religious identity, beliefs and practices. The survey was conducted face-to-face in four countries and on mobile phones in two countries. Interviews were administered from June to September 2022, in eight languages. Recommended citation Evans, Jonathan. 2024. “South and […]

  • dataset

    2022-23 Survey of Asian Americans

    This Pew Research Center survey asked a nationally representative sample of Asian American adults about their experiences living in, and views of, the United States. Data Access & Use Pew Research Center is releasing two versions of the dataset – a public-use file (PUF) and restricted-use file (RUF) – based on a risk assessment that […]