This report was written by Jens Manuel Krogstad, Senior Writer/Editor; Khadijah Edwards, Research Associate; and Mark Hugo Lopez, Director, Race and Ethnicity Research. The survey questionnaire was developed and drafted by Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, former Senior Researcher; Krogstad; Edwards; Luis Noe-Bustamante, Research Associate; and Lauren Mora, Research Assistant, from the Race and Ethnicity team; and the Center’s U.S. Politics team.
Editorial guidance for the report and the survey questionnaire was provided by Lopez; Neil Ruiz, Associate Director, Race and Ethnicity Research; Barrera; Carroll Doherty, Director, Politics Research; and Jocelyn Kiley, Associate Director, Politics Research.
Methodological guidance was provided by Courtney Kennedy, Vice President, Methods and Data and Innovation; Andrew Mercer, Senior Research Methodologist; Dorene Asare-Marfo, Panel Manager; Dana Mildred Popky, Associate Panel Manager; Nick Hatley, Research Analyst; and Arnold Lau, Research Methodologist. Guidance on the communications strategy and outreach was provided by Julia O’Hanlon, Communications Associate, Tanya Arditi, Communications Manager, and Mimi Cottingham, Communications Associate.
The report was number checked by Mohamad Moslimani, Research Assistant, and Mora. Shannon Greenwood, Digital Producer, produced the report. Rebecca Leppert, Editorial Assistant, copy edited the report. Charts were designed by Michael Keegan, Senior Information Graphics Designer; Carolyne Im, Research Assistant; Krogstad and Mora.
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