Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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  • report

    Libraries, patrons, and e-books: A guide to our new report

    As you may know, we recently published a big report about e-book lending at libraries. We’ll have some posts exploring different aspects of the report in the coming weeks, but you can also read the entire report online (or download the PDF, if you prefer). And if you want to jump to a specific section, here’s a brief outline of the findings.

  • report

    Libraries, patrons, and e-books

    12% of e-book readers have borrowed an e-book from a library. Those who use libraries are pretty heavy readers, but most are not aware they can borrow e-books.

  • report

    E-books aren’t just for e-readers: A deep dive into the data

    While there is a tendency to associate e-books with dedicated e-reading devices, we found that among people who read e-books, just as many read their e-books on a desktop or laptop computer as on an e-book reader like a Kindle or Nook—and more people read e-books on their cell phones than on tablet computers.

  • report

    Print books vs. e-books: Which is better for what

    Our recent e-reading report has received a lot of attention over the past week, and one section in particular that seemed to spark conversation was our “print vs. e-books” showdown. When does print win out over e-books (and vice versa?)

  • report

    Why people like to read

    Asked to tell us what they like most about book reading, those who had read a book in the past 12 months gave a host of reasons that ranged from the highly practical to the sublime.