If you really want to get into the topic of how the internet is changing health care, check out Fard Johnmar’s new show, The Digital Health Revolution.
This presentation provides data and insights about how the “participatory Web” may change how survey researchers think about online health information, as well as data on adults who continue to be offline in an online world.
Most internet users start at a search engine when looking for health information online. Very few check the source and date of the information they find.
This presentation contains a general overview of the internet population, an analysis of African Americans and the internet, and some thoughts about the internet’s impact on health and health care.
As more Americans come online, more rely on the internet for important health information. Fully 58% of those who found the internet to be crucial or important during a loved one’s recent health crisis say the single most important source of informat…
Blogs are part of the bigger story about dramatic change in people’s information environments. This presentation on health-related blogs focuses on their implication for health providers in communicating with patients and caregivers.