A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
Politics Bipartisan support for increased sanctions against Russia, Pew Research/USA Today Dems are at risk in midterms as Obama’s ratings fall, topline, ABC News/Washington Post Majority supports ACA’s contraceptive mandate, topline, Kaiser Family Foundation Both Republicans and Democrats have an age problem, FiveThirtyEight
Economy Young boys’ academic struggles lead to economic struggles, The Upshot/NYT Many states unemployment funds, battered by recession, still haven’t recovered, Stateline Big Pharma poised to get even bigger with Pfizer-AstraZenica deal, Wall Street Journal
Health & Society 4.5 million+ people deported since sweeping 1996 immigration law, Migration Policy Inst. Frequently requested statistics on immigrants and immigration, Migration Policy Institute Study: 1-in-25 people on death row likely innocent, study, PNAS via Associated Press Texas’ population has grown more than twice as fast as U.S. over past decade, WSJ 62% in U.S. say mobile tech has increased interpersonal communication “a lot”, Gallup
International Income inequality in China now ahead of U.S., among highest in world, U. of Michigan Latest polling on next month’s European Parliament elections, The Wall Street Journal Population aging in many Latin American countries, Population Reference Bureau Quarterly GDP and other national economic statistics in developed nations, OECD
Random Sample The world’s deadliest animals, according to Bill Gates, gatesnotes.com
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