Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Data Feed: Olympic skepticism, consumer confidence, Super Bowl tweets

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.

Politics Public skeptical of decision to hold Winter Olympics in Russia, Pew Research Center Deficit projected to fall in 2014 and 2015, then start rising again, CBO Partisan voting trends in Congress, 1953-2013, CQ Roll Call Why you shouldn’t blame polarization on partisan news, The Washington Post Christie’s loss appears to be Clinton’s gain, CNN/ORC Midwest business leaders back comprehensive immigration reform, Chicago Council More House incumbents facing challenging primaries, Center for Responsive Politics Voters prefer internet as source of election information, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Economy Recent gains keep confidence warm in January, Reuters/University of Michigan Federal job cuts aren’t just biting inside the Beltway, Tax Policy Center Why more educated workers enjoy greater employment stability, Federal Reserve Computer and electronic products are top U.S. exports to Mexico, Census Bureau If car culture is really dying, it’s a long, slow, complicated death, Quartz

Science & Technology A quarter of U.S. households didn’t have home internet use in 2012, Census Bureau More on the stubborn persistence of America’s digital divide, The Atlantic Cities 25.3 million Super Bowl tweets were sent last Sunday, Nielsen

Health & Society Number of women with advanced degrees rose 52% from 2003-2013, Census Bureau How spending per Medicaid enrollee varies across states, Kaiser Family Foundation America’s heroin problem in two charts, Bloomberg Mississippi most religious state, Vermont least religious, Gallup Refugees and asylees in the U.S., Migration Policy Institute

International Unemployment trends in Europe, Eurostat OECD annual inflation nudges up to 1.6% in December 2013, OECD Interactive: Women’s rights country by country, Guardian Job uncertainty and household savings in China, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 55% in Asia-Pacific actively saving for health-related issues, Nielsen Measuring state capacity and democratic governance in Latin America, LAPOP/Vanderbilt

Random Sample Atlas of the historical geography of the United States, University of Richmond via FlowingData

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