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Search results for: “topics pollings 2009”

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    The Mosque Debate Continues to Galvanize the Blogosphere

    The debate over the Islamic Center and mosque near Ground Zero in New York was a hotly contested issue for bloggers for the third week in a row as the focus turned to the motives of those opposing the construction. On Twitter, a new phone app feature from Google created a mostly positive buzz.

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    Obama, Apple and an Oracular Octopus Lead the Social Media

    Election-year politics and a noteworthy poll made up the hottest story in the blogosphere last week. Meanwhile on Twitter, a technology topic involving oft-scrutinized Apple topped the news agenda. And on YouTube, the most popular subject by far was Paul the octopus, the world-class World Cup handicapper.

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    The 2010 Midterms Rise; the Gulf Spill Sinks

    With the fall balloting closer on the horizon, the crucial midterm elections topped the headlines last week—with a troublesome economy close behind. The death of a well-known politician and debates over immigration policy also finished among the top five stories as did the oil spill saga—though it is quickly losing steam.

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    A Near-Miss Hurricane Tops the News

    In a busy news week, a massive storm that landed only a glancing blow on the U.S. East Coast was the No. 1 story. Another frightening situation that ended without more disastrous consequences, the Discovery Channel hostage drama, also finished among the top stories. And a formal change in the U.S. role in Iraq generated a rare burst of coverage in that subject.

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    A Ruling on Same-sex Marriage Galvanizes Bloggers

    A judge’s decision to overturn California’s ban on same-sex marriage became a reason to celebrate for many bloggers last week. Others rallied behind the website WikiLeaks, following its release of secret information about the war in Afghanistan. On Twitter, the decision by 40 wealthy Americans to donate money to charity drew the most attention. And on YouTube, an Alabama crime stopper became a web sensation.

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    A Tough Economy and a Plugged Leak Top the News

    Two familiar stories—an economy slow to recover and an oil leak slow to be stopped—generated the most press attention last week. But there was plenty of politics as well including two hot button issues—same-sex marriage and illegal immigration—and the mid-term elections. And after one week of big headlines, Afghanistan coverage plunged.

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    Afghanistan Tops the News

    Coverage of the conflict in Afghanistan got a big boost last week after the WikiLeaks organization unearthed classified reports casting doubts on the prospects for U.S. success there. But in a balanced news week, a key ruling in the Arizona immigration battle, the departure of an embattled BP CEO and a sluggish economy shared the media’s attention.

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    Teen Singer Gets Singed in Social Media

    An Internet prank aimed at 16-year-old pop star Justin Bieber provided amusement for many in the social media world last week. Social media also debated several legal issues ranging from immigration to the digital economy. And on YouTube, CNN host Anderson Cooper’s commentary on the lack of media access to the oil spill cleanup drew the most hits.

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    The Flotilla Fallout Leads the Blogosphere Again

    Even as the story died down in the mainstream media last week, bloggers continued to debate the Israeli interdiction of a Turkish supply ship that left nine people dead. On Twitter, the focus on computer giant Apple continued. And on YouTube, a startling car accident drew more than three million hits.