Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Search results for: “social media”

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    Trends 2005: A look at changes in American life

    A new survey of the core values of the American public has found that beliefs about national security are now twice as important as economic, social or religious values in shaping people’s partisan identification. Five year ago, these national security attitudes barely registered as a correlate of partisanship. The findings, which are presented in a […]

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    How Americans Use Instant Messaging

    American adult use of instant messaging continues to grow in intensity, particularly among younger users who appreciate and embrace the tools of expression embedded within IM programs.

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    Content Creation Online

    44% of American Internet users have contributed their thoughts and digital content to the online world

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    The Internet is playing a growing role in politics

    WASHINGTON, D.C. January 12 – More than a third of the nation’s Internet users have gone online to get news and information, exchange emails about the race, or participate online in the current political campaign. Even among wired Americans, the Internet still lags far behind television and newspapers as voters’ main source of political news. […]