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Search results for: “nones”

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    Beyond Stimulus, Bloggers Focus on Pupils, Penance and Puppets

    Bloggers and the traditional media both focused heavily on the $790 billion economic stimulus package last week. But the new media news agenda also included such subjects as cheap eyewear, Catholic indulgences, and the Muppets.

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    Amid Charges of Bias, the Media Swarm on Obama Overseas

    Barack Obama’s week-long tour of world hotspots and capitals generated more coverage than any campaign event in months. But in the end, the media wondered what he had accomplished and whether they were paying too much attention.

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    The Pastor’s Press Tour is the Week’s Big Newsmaker

    Jeremiah Wright’s media tour drove the campaign narrative last week, generating intense speculation about his motives and the impact on Barack Obama’s candidacy. In an election noted for coverage of gaffes and controversy, no story line has had as much staying power as the minister and the candidate.

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    McCain, Clinton, and Obama in Coverage Derby Photo Finish

    The three candidates with the best shot at next occupying the White House all got extensive coverage in the biggest week yet for campaign news. But none of them generated the headlines he or she really wanted. And, once again, Huckabee proved that the reports of his political demise were premature.

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    Talk Hosts React to Romney on Religion

    Thanks to Mitt Romney’s big speech on his Mormon faith, the presidential race was the biggest story of the week in the talk universe last week. And while the new intelligence report on Iran sparked a lively debate, the CIA’s destruction of two terror interrogation tapes didn’t generate much interest.

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    Web Sites Key on Pakistan, Networks Focus on Germs

    What did last week’s flare up of violence in Pakistan, the scary news about a deadly “superbug,” and the ideological skirmishes among presidential hopefuls have in common? They were all top stories, but each seemed more suited for a different media sector.

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    With Petraeus as Star, Iraq Debate has its Biggest Week

    The general’s appearance before Congress last week was widely expected to be a pivot point in the political brawl over Iraq war policy. The media swarmed, but the story they told may help explain why David Petraeus’s testimony seemed, for now, to cement the status quo.

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    Genius or Villain, Rove is a Worthy Topic for Talk Hosts

    The departure of the Bush Administration’s most-polarizing adviser gave talk shows plenty to talk about last week, as hosts from the left and right assessed the White House tenure of Karl Rove. But even as the aide prepared to shuffle off to Texas, the campaign was on most hosts’ minds.

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    Immigration is Top Story, but Terror Takes Over

    With the apparent demise of the immigration reform bill, a major Supreme Court decision on race, and a few natural disasters, last week was jammed with big news events. But nothing got the media’s attention like a couple of suspicious cars parked in London.