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Search results for: “islam”

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    Religion and Politics: Contention and Consensus

    Press Release: Growing Number of Americans Say Islam Encourages Violence Among Followers (July 24, 2003) Navigate this Report I. Religion and Politics II. Religion, Voting, and the Campaign III. Religion, Belief and Policy IV. Changing Perceptions of Islam About this Survey Questionnaire Summary of Findings Religion is a critical factor these days in the public’s […]

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    Poll: Growing Number of Americans Say Islam Encourages Violence Among Followers

    Religious Divides on Gay Marriage, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A poll released today by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press shows that there has been an important shift in public perceptions of Islam. Fully 44 percent of the American public now believes that Islam […]

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    Religious Groups Issue Statements on War with Iraq

    Compiled by Religion News Service, March 19, 2003 African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Adam J. Richardson, president of the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, said in a March 12 interview that he was troubled by the support of possible war by some in Christianity’s conservative wing. “I think that, from my […]

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    Would a U.S. Attack on Iraq Constitute a Just War?

    Scholars of War Ethics Disagree As Congress debates authorization of military action against Iraq, scholars of war ethics continue to discuss under what circumstances an attack by the U.S. would constitute a “just war.” CONTACT Mary SchultzCommunications Earlier this week William Galston, Michael Walzer, John Kelsay and Gerard Bradley explored the conditions for a […]

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    Americans Struggle with Religion’s Role at Home and Abroad

    51% of Americans say Sept. 11 proves there is too little religion in the world A poll released today by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that 8-in-10 Americans believe that religion has a positive influence in the world today. By […]

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    Scalia Calls Death Penalty Constitutional, Not Immoral

    Supreme Court Justice Speaks on Religion, Politics and the Death Penalty at Pew Forum Conference “You want to have a fair death penalty?” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia asked an audience of nearly 500 academics and others at a January 25 conference on religion and the death penalty. “You kill; you die. That’s fair.” […]