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Search results for: “future”

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    Religion in the Public Schools

    More than 55 years after the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling striking down school-sponsored prayer, Americans continue to fight over the place of religion in public schools. Questions about religion in the classroom no longer make quite as many headlines as they once did, but the issue remains an important battleground in the broader […]

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    Resumen de hallazgos: La brecha de edad respecto a la religión en todo el mundo

    Según varias mediciones, los adultos jóvenes tienden a ser menos religiosos que sus mayores. Lo contrario se da en raras ocasiones. En Estados Unidos, los grupos religiosos vienen envejeciendo desde hace décadas, y los adultos jóvenes ahora son mucho menos propensos que sus mayores a identificarse con una religión o participar en diversas prácticas religiosas. […]

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    The Growth of Germany’s Muslim Population

    Between 2010 and 2016, the number of Muslims living in Germany rose from 3.3 million (4.1% of the population) to nearly 5 million (6.1%), while the rest of the population shrank modestly from 77.1 million to 76.5 million.

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    The Age Gap in Religion Around the World

    Young adults tend to be less religious than their elders by several measures; the opposite is rarely true. This pattern holds true across many countries that have different religious, economic and social profiles.

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    Croissance de la population musulmane en Europe

    Les projections prévoient une augmentation du pourcentage de musulmans dans la population européenne, même sans migrations ultérieures. Ces dernières années, l’Europe a connu un afflux record de demandeurs d’asile fuyant les conflits que connaissent la Syrie et d’autres pays à majorité musulmane. Cette vague de migrants musulmans a suscité dans de nombreux pays des débats […]

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    Where Americans Find Meaning in Life

    Family is the most common source of meaning in America, but economic, religious and political divides shape where people find meaning in other aspects of life.