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Search results for: “caribbean”

  • report

    New Study Examines Religious Affiliation of U.S. Immigrants

    Washington, D.C. — The geographic origins of new legal permanent residents in the United States have shifted markedly during the past two decades, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. government data on immigration. A total of 41% of new green card recipients in 1992 came from the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle […]

  • feature

    Conclave Elects Pope Francis

    Pope Francis was elected on Wednesday as the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio hails from Argentina and becomes the first Latin American pontiff. According to Pew Research Center data on the distribution of the world’s Catholic population, the largest share of the Catholic population (39%) lives in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • feature

    Geography of the Conclave: Where Do the Cardinals Come From?

    The conclave to elect the next pope will begin on Tuesday, March 12. Half of the cardinal electors gathering at the Vatican are European (52%), while 17% come from Latin America. Latin America has the largest share of the world’s Catholic population (39%), while 24% of Catholics live in Europe.