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Search results for: “American Catholics”

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    Majority of Public Favors Same-Sex Marriage, but Divisions Persist

    A majority of Americans (61%) favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally, while about half as many (31%) oppose same-sex marriage. Republicans and Democrats remain deeply divided over legal marriage for gays and lesbians – though support has increased significantly in both parties over the past 15 years.

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    Political Typology Detailed Tables

    Figures read down within each category. Don’t know responses not shown. For full question wording, see toplines. Read more in the full report: Beyond Red and Blue: 2017 Political Typology Demographics Views of the nation and institutions Political attitudes Trump and other political figures Issues and values Demographics Solid Liberals Opportunity Democrats Disaffected Democrats Devout and Diverse New […]

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    Declining Confidence in Trump, Lower Job Ratings for Congressional Leaders

    Survey Report Growing numbers of Americans express little or no confidence in Donald Trump to handle an international crisis, manage the executive branch effectively and work effectively with Congress. And today, just 34% approve of Trump’s overall job performance, while 59% disapprove. However, Trump’s job approval rating is higher than those of Republican and Democratic […]