1 in 10 eligible voters in the U.S. are naturalized citizens
Naturalized citizens make up a record number of eligible voters in 2022, most of whom have lived here more than 20 years.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Naturalized citizens make up a record number of eligible voters in 2022, most of whom have lived here more than 20 years.
School has started in most of the United States. On average, K-12 public schools will be in session close to 180 days this year.
Public K-12 schools in the United States educate about 7.3 million students with disabilities – a number that has grown over the last few decades.
The food stamp program is one of the larger federal social welfare initiatives, and in its current form has been around for nearly six decades.
This year, at least 28 states and the District of Columbia will legally recognize Juneteenth as a public holiday.
Nearly six-in-ten want organizations working for Black progress to address the distinct challenges facing Black LGBTQ people. Black Americans are more likely to know someone who is transgender or nonbinary than to identify as such themselves.
One-in-five federal, state and local candidate tweets in 2022 have mentioned race, abortion, education or the economy.
21% of the roughly 1,000 candidates for U.S. Senate, House or state governor on the fall ballot claim some degree of military experience.
Both the number and share of new college graduates with a bachelor’s degree in education have decreased over the last few decades.
On a couple of policies related to transgender people, there is some agreement among Americans, but views of other policies are more divided.