Most Americans say they do not know much about the religion of Islam. A majority admits to knowing very little (30%) or nothing at all (25%) about the Muslim religion. Just a little more than a third (35%) know “some” about the religion, and only 9% say they know a great deal. These numbers are little changed from 2007, and have not moved much at all since Pew Research began asking the question in 2001. College graduates (63%) are more likely than those with some college experience (48%) and those with a high school education or less (31%) to know some or a great deal about Islam. Most American (58%) also do not know someone who is Muslim while 41% do. Those with a college degree and adults younger than age 50 are far more likely to be acquainted with a Muslim than are older and less educated Americans. Read More
- Short Reads
Don’t Know Much About Islam