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Search results for: “stock own”

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    The Distant Election Becomes the Big News on Talk Shows

    The actual vote may be 15 months away, but a loaded campaign calendar helped make last week the biggest one so far for the 2008 presidential race in talk media. No other stories really came close. One of the biggest topics in all the talk: Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton.

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    Mine Collapse is Big News But Doesn’t Top the Campaign

    The fate of six miners trapped 1,500 feet underground followed two storylines last week as rescuers rushed against time and the mine company owner took his case to the public. But three presidential debates and the Iowa straw poll pushed the 2008 presidential campaign in the top spot.

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    Iraq Policy and Presidential Politics Top the News

    With the Virginia Tech shootings and Don Imus controversy beginning to fade into the news background, a couple of very familiar subjects commanded the most media attention last week. And Arizona Senator John McCain managed to find himself in the middle of both stories.