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    Blago-gate Dominates the Week’s News

    Congress voted on a Detroit bailout, the media focused on fallout from the economic meltdown, and Barack Obama rolled out a key appointment. But a political scandal bleepin’ swamped ‘em all.

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    Amid Charges of Bias, the Media Swarm on Obama Overseas

    Barack Obama’s week-long tour of world hotspots and capitals generated more coverage than any campaign event in months. But in the end, the media wondered what he had accomplished and whether they were paying too much attention.

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    Talk Hosts Find Themselves on the Firing Line

    Yes, newsmakers like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton were major topics in talk media last week. But it was two of the hosts themselves, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, who inspired some of the most passion.

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    Talk Shows React to Immigration Redux

    The impassioned debate on the talk airwaves wouldn’t go away last week as the once-imperiled immigration bill appeared to get a new life. And that had some conservative hosts putting former GOP allies on their enemies list. The talkers were also more interested in HBO’s gang wars than the Hamas-Fatah battles.

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    Talk Hosts Turn Into “Live Earth” Reviewers

    The renewed debate over U.S. strategy in Iraq was the top talk show topic last week. And the talk hosts paid plenty of attention to growing concerns about the threat posed by Al Qaeda. But it was an international concert aimed at global warming that triggered a torrent of (mostly bad) reviews.