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Search results for: “quiz”

  • report

    From Brexit to Zika: What Do Americans Know?

    Before you read the report, test your own News IQ by taking the interactive knowledge quiz. The short quiz tests your knowledge of questions recently asked in a national poll. After completing the quiz, you can compare your score with the general public and with people like yourself.

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    The Religious Typology

    A new analysis looks at beliefs and behaviors that cut across many religious denominations – important traits that unite people of different faiths, or that divide those of the same religious affiliation.

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    Political Typology Reveals Deep Fissures on the Right and Left

    Nearly a year after Donald Trump was elected president, the Republican coalition is deeply divided on such major issues as immigration, America’s role in the world and the fundamental fairness of the U.S. economic system. The Democratic coalition is largely united in staunch opposition to President Trump. Yet, while Trump’s election has triggered a wave […]

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    How we placed you

    The Political Party scale was determined by selecting a set of questions from Pew Research Center’s March 2016 political survey representing a range of policy issues and political values that are each consistently associated with party identification. A logistic regression, a technique employed to estimate the independent contribution of multiple factors in predicting a particular […]

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    Science Knowledge Quiz

    Who developed the polio vaccine? Does water boil at different temperatures based on altitude? Which is the hottest of Earth’s three layers? Take our science quiz and see how you compare with Americans overall.