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Search results for: “islam”

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    What Americans Know About the Holocaust

    Most U.S. adults know what the Holocaust was and approximately when it happened, but fewer than half can correctly answer multiple-choice questions about the number of Jews who were murdered or the way Adolf Hitler came to power, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

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    For a Lot of American Teens, Religion Is a Regular Part of the Public School Day

    Religion in public schools has long been a controversial issue. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1962 that teachers and administrators cannot lead prayers in public schools, and a decision in 2000 barred school districts from sponsoring student-led prayers at football games. At the same time, the court has held that students retain a First […]

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    Religion in the Public Schools

    More than 55 years after the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling striking down school-sponsored prayer, Americans continue to fight over the place of religion in public schools. Questions about religion in the classroom no longer make quite as many headlines as they once did, but the issue remains an important battleground in the broader […]

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    Christ sein in Westeuropa

    Westeuropa, die Geburtsstätte des Protestantismus und der Hauptsitz des Katholizismus während des größten Teils seiner Geschichte, ist heute eine der säkularsten Regionen der Welt. Auch wenn die weitaus überwiegende Mehrheit der Erwachsenen angibt, getauft zu sein, beschreiben sich heute viele nicht als Christen. Wie eine neue, umfassende Studie des Pew Research Center über Glauben und […]

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    Being Christian in Western Europe

    The majority of Europe’s Christians are non-practicing, but they differ from religiously unaffiliated people in their views on God, attitudes toward Muslims and immigrants, and opinions about religion’s role in society.

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    Essere cristiani in Europa occidentale

    L’Europa occidentale, culla del protestantesimo e storicamente sede del cattolicesimo, è diventata una delle regioni più secolari al mondo. Anche se la grande maggioranza degli adulti afferma di avere ricevuto il battesimo, oggi molti di essi non si descrivono come cristiani. Alcuni affermano di aver abbandonato gradualmente la religione, di avere smesso di credere negli […]

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    Ser cristiano en Europa Occidental

    Europa Occidental, donde el cristianismo protestante tuvo su origen y el catolicismo lleva radicado la mayor parte de su historia, se ha convertido en una de las regiones más laicas del mundo. A pesar de que la mayoría de los adultos afirman que fueron bautizados, en la actualidad muchos no se describen a sí mismos […]