Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Search results for: “egypt”

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    Many in Emerging and Developing Nations Disconnected from Politics

    In recent years, high-profile protest movements have erupted in several emerging and developing countries, roiling, and sometimes overturning, the political status quo in Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, Brazil, Thailand and other nations. Millions have demonstrated, and activists have pioneered new forms of online engagement.

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    Pope Francis’ Image Positive in Much of World

    Pope Francis, leader of the world’s nearly 1.1 billion Catholics, enjoys broad support across much of the world: a median of 60% across 43 nations have a favorable view of him. Only 11% see the pope unfavorably, and 28% give no rating.

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    Typical Day Topline

    Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100% because they are based on unrounded numbers. Since 2007, the Global Attitudes Project has used an automated process to generate toplines. As a result, numbers may differ slightly from those published prior […]